By Rajib Hasan Last Updated -- Dec 2024, 07:10 PM

How Much Does It Cost To Start an Ecommerce Business

It is difficult to say how much it costs to start an Ecommerce business. Ecommerce business startup costs depend on several factors like rent of the store, decoration, product cost, staff cost, license cost, and others. However, in the USA, the average Ecommerce business startup cost is $1000 to $40000. If you have a small or individual business then you may count $500 to $1,000 or more. In the UK £2,000 to £20,000 but this amount can be more than that due to product, location, business size, staff cost, and others. So, let’s see how much does it cost to start an Ecommerce business, how much money you have to spend on which purposes, and many more. 


How Much Does It Cost To Start an Ecommerce Business?


An average of $500 to $1000 may be required at the beginning of a small Ecommerce business. This amount can be bigger than this estimation. But how much does it cost? Unlimited or exactly indefinable. No one can specifically say this amount. Because it depends on different criteria like product price, rent, location, import/export, staff, etc. 


To do the Ecommerce business, a business owner should keep in mind the Ecommerce investment round. This is because purchasing and selling products, store rent, employee costs, utility bills, etc. must pay these amounts on a continuous or monthly basis.  


Indeed Ecommerce business investment cost depends on three main factors: small, medium, and large shape of business. There are some essential points and startup costs also included with them. However, let’s discuss some crucial points that you must require for starting an Ecommerce business.   


how much does it cost to start an ecommerce business


1. Ecommerce Store Cost


For starting an Ecommerce business, a store is required. This is because to conduct this business a bunch of products are required. If you have a medium-scale Ecommerce business then you must require a sufficient store where you can keep the different categories of products on different shelves. For this reason, store cost is one of the major concerns.


How much should I pay to rent a store? It relies on a few factors like location, store area, etc. In the USA, the retail business store lease cost is around $37.66 per square foot. This amount can be different according to area or location. In the United Kingdom, retail stores cost around £27.52 to £35 per square meter. It is noted that this amount can vary according to city area.


2. Business License Cost


A trade license or business is a document. It allows business owners to do business by following government rules. License cost depends on business type, country, business products, and others. Trade licenses can be divided into three main categories with several subcategories. However, take a look at three main categories of trade licenses.


  • General business.
  • Commercial business.
  • Manufacturing business.


In Bangladesh, business license cost start from 100 to 40,000 BDT. In the USA trade license cost begins from $500 to $5000 according to USA business rules. License carries a validation and allows business permits. How often should a business owner renew a business license? Annually or every fiscal year.


3. Product Costs


Product cost is a major part. Most business owners never count other investments like License costs and utility bills. They think about how much they should spend on purchasing a product or making products, and house rent. However, how much would you invest, how many products would you buy, and others are real facts. The main business calculation is here.


However, starting an Ecommerce business requires more products. How much should I invest in Ecommerce products? You should invest money depending on your capital, product demand in the market, and storage capacity. Indeed, it’s up to you how your capital is to invest.


This answer knows only the business owner who intended to invest for product purposes. So, think about those things, apply your strategy, meet customer demand significantly, and go top in the Ecommerce business.   


4. Shipping Costs


Shipping cost is another important part of every business that works with import and export. Indeed, shipping cost depends on location, product amount, categories, weight, size, etc. In that case, it is difficult to specify how much exact shipping cost is required. We can give an average cost for a small package of around $8 and a large package may require $18 to $21.


It is noted that this amount can be changed depending on the country, and world energy crisis. It is noted that many ecommerce businesses don’t need to import. In that case, they don’t have to be worried about this cost.


On the other hand, for the countryside, this cost depends on the distance. From a Bangladesh perspective, a product delivery charge or shipping charge can be 50 BDT to 150 BDT in various districts. Ecommerce business owners decide this delivery amount, and this amount may be more or less. In most cases, customers pay product delivery or shipping charges.


5. Staff Costs


The minimum salary in Bangladesh begins at 12,941.00 BDT. The higher salary range is more than 40000 BDT. In the United States, the average monthly salary is around $6,228. You may have an option that gives access for the intern people to learn. In that case, you may have a chance to negotiate. So, what kind of staff you want to recruit (skillful or primary level) it’s up to you.


How many staff do you require to manage a business? It depends on the business size, number of employees, product management, product delivery area, etc. In terms of Bangladesh, what qualifications do people require? First of all, decide that level then recruit and decide the salary.


6. Marketing Costs


Marketing cost is involved with branding, product promotion, awareness, etc. This cost depends on the business owner's interest. The average social media marketing cost is around $100 – $5000 per month in the USA. This strategy may be the best way to get more sellers for Ecommerce websites. However, let’s see an example of which marketing purpose you should spend.


Facebook ads


Facebook ads work on three main steps impression, click, and ad longevity. How much would you invest in a Facebook ad? It depends on the keyword PPC or CPC value. Indeed, Facebook works on two cost matrices CPC and CPM (Cost per Mile). If you run the ad for a high CPC keyword then you have to invest more. 


For an approximate budget, you should keep approximately 60¢ (more or less) per click and approximately $10.32 (more or less) per 1,000 impressions. How long will it be duration, you have to count the cost for that duration as well.


Google ads


Google ads are another important part of public awareness, selling items, etc. By giving this ad Google will show your specific keyword in the top place in its SERP. In that case, Google ad cost depends on keyword CPC value. The average ad cost is around $100 to $10,000 per month. 


It is noted that on average most businesses pay $0.11 to $0.50 per click and $0.51 to $1000 per 1000 impressions. This amount may decrease or increase according to your keyword CPC value and duration.


So, choose the best platform, find your profitable product and serve ads, make a popular brand, get more customers, and drive more revenue.  


7. Technology Cost


Monthly charge Weebly $10, Wix, $16, Shopify $29, and others. Different types of Ecommerce software also charge like this. Make a budget for technological interference. If you want to make your store digitalized and well-managed then technological interference is indispensable. Which technological task should I adopt in my store?



These things will be available in a business management tool. In that case, which tool would be the best for meeting these requirements? Use a customizable and integratable ERP system so that any module can be integrated for a specific operation. 


ERP systems can be used for different business management. No matter if it is ecommerce or any retail business. It can be used as the best retail business management tool. So, use the best Ecommerce business management tool and stay calm.


How to Collect Money for Starting an Ecommerce Business?


Starting a small Ecommerce business requires more funding (like $1,000 to $5,000 or more) due to investing in several steps, like renting, product cost, staff cost, inventory shelf, decoration, and others. There are some options to collect money if you have a low amount of personal savings.


  • Borrow from friends and family.
  • Loan from a bank. 
  • Merchant cash advance (MCA).
  • Find crowdfunding can be the best Ecommerce business funding. 
  • You may look for venture capital.


These options can be the best for collecting funding for ecommerce businesses. Before starting a business make a sharp Ecommerce business plan including budget, product type, store, etc. Somehow, if you fail to afford then follow the above options. Many people want to partner you may also find and discuss with them a shared plan. Hopefully, if they feel better then they can be your Ecommerce investors.


How Do I Start A Small Ecommerce Business?


In spite of more interest, many people take them off from starting a business due to the cost to start Ecommerce business. Indeed, investing in an Ecommerce business is a challenge, high cost, and management difficulties. However, there are several key strategies to start a small Ecommerce business.


  • Decide product.
  • Choose a business name (that is easy to remember).
  • Research the market and find the demand for products and returns.
  • Create an ecommerce website and upload product images with specific information.
  • Fixed Ecommerce startup funding.
  • Prepare a trade license.
  • Establish a customer order placement system (online/offline).
  • Ensure an easy and multiple payment system.
  • Make sure delivery is on time with better customer support.


If you have the intention to establish a fully automated Ecommerce business then make a smart and sharp business plan for Ecommerce startup. Use Ecommerce business management software, to ensure quality products and support. Hopefully, you will achieve your target within a very short time.


How Much Money Do You Need To Start An Online Business?

how much money do you need to start an online business

There is no limit to investment. This is because online business depends on a business owner and customer interest. However, you can start an online business with a low investment from $100 to $1000 but Ecommerce is a type of online business. 


How much does it cost to start an online business? it ranges from $1000 to $40000 or more. If you work with a high cost price product then you must invest more. So, it’s up to a business owner's interest.


How Can I Reduce Ecommerce Business Startup Costs?


There are several ways to reduce ecommerce business costs. However, let's know which factors affect ecommerce startup costs and take steps to avoid startup costs.


Use an Ecommerce Business Management System


The software reduces human effort arithmetically. Use Ecommerce business management software. You have to pay the monthly costs of running a business management tool. It will reduce labor costs. 


Suppose, in a manual process, people are required to manage inventory, customer management, billing, and supply chain or product management. In that case, if you use any software to manage those things.


While you require 7 or 8 people to manage those tasks. If you use software then you may need 4 to 5 persons. So, you can save a big amount. It is because most of the tasks you will manage by software or automated system. For this reason, it may be the best way to minimize costs.


Open a Store at Your Home


Indeed, investing in Ecommerce plays a crucial role because the more you invest, the more sales you get. If you stay in a city or near a city area, your home can be the best for an Ecommerce store. In that case, you can completely save store rent costs. It is a big amount as well. So, make a room with a bigger space, and decorate it with smart planning. So, if you have that thing then you are saved from investing a big amount.  


Low Staff Recruitment


At the beginning level, no need to recruit more staff. If you have a small Ecommerce store then recruit some mandatory persons and provide your effort as well. Whenever it is built then recruit as many employees as you want. Employee salary and wage is a big amount. So, save it as much as you can and run a smooth Ecommerce business.  


Reduce Ad Cost


Social media ads and Google ads are the best way to brand familiarity and get more sellers. If you invest a low amount of ad cost with a low CPC value keyword then ad cost will be reduced. Suppose you run the ad for 20 days a month. In that case, run the ad for 10 to 15 days.

If you have a local business, then you may take you off from running Google ads. This is because more than 85% of people use Facebook in South Asian countries. For brand awareness and product promotion, Facebook may be the best. In that case, save ad cost.


Product Requirements


An Ecommerce online store requires more products. If you have a low budget then reduce the product and keep some common and high-demand products. So, how much inventory should I start with online store? It depends on your budget. 

First of all, check your budget then buy and list them in your inventory. However, at the beginning level, you may keep 50 to 100 categories of products in your inventory. After that, enlarge the business with profit and regular investment according to your capability.


Final Thought


Ecommerce is an interesting, flexible, and profitable business. Due to the increasing online users, the Ecommerce business or marketplace has been wider. In most cases, entrepreneurs get shocked about cost or investment. 

I have referred to some crucial steps about how much does it cost to start an ecommerce business. I have also illustrated how to collect money, build a brand, sell products, and many more. Hopefully, that will be very helpful for you to take a chance to open an Ecommerce business.